Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Dual/More PES 2017 Patch Exe Mod by B4byHuey

Mod exe who want to use 2 or more patch for PES 2017, just rename the folder and move patch file the new location/folder. :)

1. PTE Patch
- Download folder --> PTEPATCH
- Save folder --> PTE
 http://www.file-upload.cc/s87v4p54rhh7 http://sharemods.com/zrkrxqv04bus/PTE.rar.html
2. VituaRed.com Patch
- Download folder --> VIRTURED
- Save folder --> VRED
 http://www.file-upload.cc/9sl8ms0uiws5 http://sharemods.com/d9hnyrhve1mv/VRED.rar.html
3. Smoke Patch
- Download folder --> SMKPATCH
- Save folder --> SMKE
 http://www.file-upload.cc/9pvea84yu9xd http://sharemods.com/f1z1dpwdcf6r/SMOKE.rar.html
4. SSPatch
- Download folder --> JNIPATCH
- Save folder --> SSP
http://www.file-upload.cc/q9wb6aeu3nsa http://sharemods.com/y9dp3mxwgx6f/SSPATCH.rar.html 

5. iPatch
- Download folder -->
- Save folder -->
 http://www.file-upload.cc/35u92yj1dnqk http://sharemods.com/odzpjx17mema/iPATCH.rar.html

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